About Us

BarBuzz is a leading online platform that brings you the latest news, trends, and expert insights from the world of bars and mixology. With a team of experienced and highly skilled editors and industry professionals, we strive to be the ultimate resource for all bar enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Our Mission

At BarBuzz, our mission is to provide a one-stop destination for bar aficionados, whether they are industry insiders or simply lovers of cocktails and bartending. We aim to offer comprehensive, up-to-date information, inspiring stories, and innovative ideas that will elevate the art and craft of mixology.

Our Vision

BarBuzz envisions a world where cocktails become more than just drinks, but expressions of creativity, culture, and passion. We believe that by sharing knowledge, fostering innovation, and building a community, we can elevate the bar industry as a whole.

The History of BarBuzz

BarBuzz was founded in 2015 by Avery J. Huxley, an accomplished mixologist and industry veteran. With years of experience behind the bar and a burning desire to share his expertise with a wider audience, Huxley set out to create a platform that would become the go-to resource for all things related to bars and mixology.

Founder - Avery J. Huxley

Avery J. Huxley is an esteemed mixologist and entrepreneur with an unyielding passion for all things bar-related. His journey in the industry began over two decades ago when he decided to pursue his love for mixology as a career. Since then, Huxley has honed his skills, gaining recognition and respect within the industry for his dedication and innovation.

A firm believer in education and continuous growth, Huxley has collaborated with renowned bartenders and mixologists worldwide, gathering a wealth of knowledge and experience along the way. He is dedicated to sharing and shaping the future of the bar industry through BarBuzz.

The Creation of our Website

Driven by a desire to provide a platform for learning, connection, and inspiration, Avery J. Huxley founded BarBuzz with the goal to democratize the world of bars and mixology. Recognizing the need for a central hub that brings together professionals, enthusiasts, and curious novices, Huxley assembled a team of industry experts to create the BarBuzz website.

Website Objective

The objective of the BarBuzz website is to become the go-to resource for all things related to bars, mixology, and cocktail culture. Whether you're a bartender seeking inspiration and sharing ideas, a passionate home mixologist looking for recipes and tips, or a curious individual seeking to explore the bar world, BarBuzz aims to provide a comprehensive platform that will meet your needs.

Target Audience

Our website caters to a diverse range of individuals, including professional bartenders, mixologists, beverage consultants, bar owners, and home enthusiasts. We welcome anyone with an interest in the art and science behind creating exceptional cocktails, offering content that educates, inspires, and connects like-minded individuals around the globe.

Unique Value

What sets BarBuzz apart is the unrivaled passion, expertise, and professionalism of our team. Our dedicated editors, industry insiders, and experienced contributors curate and produce high-quality content that is both engaging and informative. We strive to provide practical insights, creative recipes, industry news, and the latest innovative trends that are shaping the future of bars and mixology.

Join us at BarBuzz to elevate your bar game, expand your knowledge, and become part of a community that celebrates mixology as an art form.

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